Here is a list of a few music sites (classical, jazz
& general music information) that you may
find interesting. Email
me and let me know about any broken or moved links and
let me know of any great sites you think should be here.

Link to This!! A page
of links has been created, but this page is different - it
is made up of links that have been reviewed by students.
Jessi's suggestions are up; make some of your own and email
them to me. |
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GENERAL SITES: Sites with lots of
different musical information |
Counting Music by David Tulga. Type in a rhythm that is bugging you and you will see the counting (in numbers or du-de style). Then you can press play and have the rhythm spoken for you (in a rather zombie-ish voice!). | | - this site helps you learn almost everything there is to know about
reading music! Need help learning to read the note names? Want to
learn more about advanced chords? Want to learn to compose with minor
scales? It's all here for you | |
Math & Science in Music is explored on Phil Tulga's website, Music Through the Curriculum. Lots of interesting activities relating to math & science and music. Explore! | |
On Line Metronome! Turn on this metronome while practicing! The site also includes instruction in effective use of a metronome | | is a great place to get free sheet music at a variety of levels for both piano and guitar! Check it out!! | |
The Getty Education Institute for the Arts has a
wonderful site for arts educators and anyone else who loves
the arts. | |
Naxos Classicals: This site includes a glossary of
music terms, composer bios, an intro to classical music and
another to opera, a section on film music & lots
more! | |
WGBH: Information about classical music on the
radio station and channel 2 TV. | |
Classical Net: there are some biographies here and
the site is a great source of links to other classical music
sites. | |
Yahoo! has and excellent web search section for
classical music. This link takes you right to that jumping
off point. |
music/genres/classical/ |
WCRB: lots of classical music links and
information about classical music | |
From The Top - What an awesome radio program and
website for young musicians!! Especially good for serious
young musicians, the radio program consists of performances
by and interviews with "pre-collegiate" musicians from all
over the world. Our own Wayland High School student, Alex
Rabin, has been featured! WGBH - Sunday at 6:00 | |
K-12 Resources for Music Educators - It sounds
like a site just for me, but there are links to the
saxophone sites or horn players sites, or other instruments,
links to jazz sites, vocal and string sites and even Beatles
info! | |
(Return to

Biographies, Discographies, etc. (Click here for Women Composers) (Students: If
you are using these site for research, see warning below...) |
Classical Net: there are some biographies here and
the site is a great source of links to other classical music
sites. | |
A John Philip Sousa site! And you know what I
think of Sousa!! :-) | |
A website dedicated totally to Beethoven (thanks to Ms Plasse's class for the tip!) | |
Unknown Composers: An odd title for a website...
these pages include information about well-known & less
well-known composers. Check here if you can't find that
second reference... | |
PBS - Jazz Kids: Now and Then: a great site with
comments from today's kids in jazz and kid-friendly bios
about jazz greats. |
nowthen/index.html |
The Gift of Music - 25 Men of Classical Music - some good links to information about 25 classical composers (unfortunately, only the men, but that is not unusual. The women WERE writing, just not getting much credit for it!) Interesting links. Thanks to Ms Gordon's student for the addition! |
thegiftofmusic-25menofclassicalmusic.html |
Dr. Estrella's Incredibly Abridged Dictionary of
Composers: Very little information about the composer,
but includes links to other sites and books about and
CDs/Music by the person. | |
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Chazzanut Online Comprehensive site on Chazzanut,
featuring a large collection of cantorial sheet music, midi
audio and background information concerning Jewish music.
Also has a number of links to other Jewish music sites. | |
The Main Klezmer Modes: An excellent (but
technical) article on the Jewish prayer modes (scales - like
the ahava raba), and how they are used in Klezmer |
horowitz/horowitz.klezmodes.html |
HNH International. This site is created by Marco
Polo and Naxos & White Cloud - all are recording
companies that deal with music from other parts of the
world. They all have Chinese music in their libraries. This
site contains information about classical music in general,
bios of composers, a glossary of musical terms, advise on
building a classical CD collection and lots more! | |
Sound clips of Chinese music in the Western style and music that includes traditional instruments with
orchestral accompaniment. | |
The Bamboo Curtain -- Composers from the People's
Republic of China. This site helps us locate Chinese music
that is written in the Western style. | |
Afrocentric Voices in "Classical" Music: A small,
but useful collection of Black composers in the classical
style. | |
Israeli Composers: Information on many composers
from Israel | |
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INSTRUMENTS: Sites about
particular modern and ancient instruments |
A guide to Medieval and Renaissance instruments. Want to know what a crumhorn looked like? How about a
hurdy-gurdy or bagpipe? Check out this site for pictures and
details. Do a report on the history and development of an
instrument for enrichment. (see warning below...) |
antiqua/instrumt.html |
This site is a jumping off point for finding other sites about a type of instrument. Want to find the
clarinet page or something about flute history? How about
checking out the sackbut page! (Remember that a sackbut is
an early form of the trombone - this page has trombone
links, too!) You can find history of instruments, jokes,
recordings and lots of other info. |
links/instrument.php |
Here is a link to a pretty cool flute podcast of flute duets from the Voxman duet book 1. He plays both parts together and just the flute 2 part so you can play along. (David Summer - | |
The Clarinet Pages Two clarinet sites that include lots of interesting information and
even a section for beginners & intermediate players
(including an article about getting the high notes on bass
clarinet!) | |
Play Music has info about and sound clips from the
different instruments, games, a musician of the month,
movies of kids who play, a juke box where you can hear
different pieces featuring particular instruments and lots
more! | |
Percussion Information has all kinds of info for
the percussion student! Check it out!! | |
Percussion - Vic Firth has lots of resources for
students, everything from how to properly play rudiments to
how to play the bass drum. | |
Drummer Cafe: All things drums! Includes videos, education, interviews, reviews. | |
Online Trombone Journal - A site for and about
trombonists & their instruments. | |
Brian Kay, one of our low brass teachers, has a GREAT
website - lots of good advice for brass players of
all levels. Lots of advanced information for those who are
really serious.
Tips for Trombone Players |
The French Horn Resouce Page : Info, games, history of the horn, who is Dennis Brain, etc. | |
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Boston Symphony Orchestra - Includes lists of
concerts | |
Canadian Brass Quintet site. One of the best musical groups in the world and loads of fun to listen to and watch live. Many different styles of music from pop to jazz to classical. Humorous, too, and some of the best musicianship you'll every hear! | |
Zamir Chorale of Boston: On the web site it says,
"Zamir means "Nightingale" in Hebrew, an appropriate name
for a choral ensemble specializing in the full spectrum of
music arising out of the various Jewish traditions." Check
out the site for a full listing of concerts for this
season. | |
Apollo Brass: A great brass quintet in our
area. | |
Swing 7 - and all women swing band based just south of Boston. They play all over. Check the site for sound clips. | |
See our Local Concerts page for more... |
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Jazz Music Reviews - this site reviews jazz
recordings and gives lists of the top jazz recordings in
different areas like classic jazz, contemporary jazz,
etc. | |
Jazz Music Reviews - This site reviews jazz recordings and gives a list of the top jazz recordings in different areas such as, classic jazz, contemporary jazz, be-bop, etc. | |
Pete Thomas: His site has lots of jazz stuff including improvisation tips, jazz theory, composing, and sax info. | |
a local radio station with great jazz programing.
| |
PBS - Jazz Kids: Now and Then: a great site with
comments from today's kids in jazz and kid-friendly bios
about jazz greats. |
nowthen/index.html |
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Help me fill in more great web sites!! Email me
with the address, name of the site and a short description
& I will add it to the list Email me at: |

Yes, you may use Internet sites for your bios or research
on an enrichment project, but use the web pages just like
you would a book - you may not copy the information word for
word or (worse yet!) just print out the web page!! Take the
ideas and information from the page and put it into your own
words. Don't forget the bibliographic entry! Write down the
URL (address) of the site (that is the "http:_______" at the
top of the browser page) and be sure to include it along
with the name of the site and (if you can find it) the
author of the site and the date it was created.
(go back to instrument index) (go back to bio index)