Based on your explorations from this month's Tidbits
page, fill out the enrichment form below and submit it for
enrichment points. As always, more words equals more points!
(1-10 points possible) |
1) Your Name: 2) Your email address (use your complete address, not
just the user name - ex: RGB13@aol.com, not just RGB13) 3) Write a quick summary of what this web page was all
about. Three or four sentences is fine. (Please use complete
sentences in all answers!) 4) Tell me about at least three things that you found
really interesting or surprising about the material that you
explored from this Tidbits page. Include a sentence to
explain why you found the information interesting. (Use
complete sentences!) Go back and make sure that you had three thoughts
and that you included the "why you found the information
interesting" part. ![]() The following questions are OPTIONAL to help me plan
future Tidbits pages; however, I will give you extra
enrichment points for filling out this section: Link topic: ____________________________________ [ ] It was interesting Link topic: ____________________________________ [ ] It was interesting Link topic: ____________________________________ [ ] It was interesting Tell me about any topics that you would like to see
included in future Tidbits pages. |
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