On-Line Tidbits Enrichment

Based on your explorations from this month's Tidbits page, fill out the enrichment form below and submit it for enrichment points. As always, more words equals more points! (1-10 points possible)
Please use complete sentences and take pride in your work and your answers. (Spelling does not count.)

Print this page, fill it out and turn it in, or copy it into an email & fill it out muffitt@bandnotes.info

1) Your Name:

2) Your email address (use your complete address, not just the user name - ex: RGB13@aol.com, not just RGB13)

3) Write a quick summary of what this web page was all about. Three or four sentences is fine. (Please use complete sentences in all answers!)


4) Tell me about at least three things that you found really interesting or surprising about the material that you explored from this Tidbits page. Include a sentence to explain why you found the information interesting. (Use complete sentences!)

Go back and make sure that you had three thoughts and that you included the "why you found the information interesting" part.

The following questions are OPTIONAL to help me plan future Tidbits pages; however, I will give you extra enrichment points for filling out this section:
Did you follow any of the links on the page? [  ] Yes, [  ] No

If you followed any links please answer the questions below. (You don't have to fill in info for every link that you followed. Do as many as you have the time and patience for!)

Link topic: ____________________________________

[  ] It was interesting
[  ] It was kind of interesting
[  ] I didn't understand what they were talking about
[  ] I understood it, but it was a bore!



Link topic: ____________________________________

[  ] It was interesting
[  ] It was kind of interesting
[  ] I didn't understand what they were talking about
[  ] I understood it, but it was a bore!


Link topic: ____________________________________

[  ] It was interesting
[  ] It was kind of interesting
[  ] I didn't understand what they were talking about
[  ] I understood it, but it was a bore!


Tell me about any topics that you would like to see included in future Tidbits pages.

Would you like to help me plan a Tidbits page??
  [  ] Yes (Sure, your work would be worth enrichment points!)     [  ] No

Thanks for your thoughts!!



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Wayland Middle School Bands, Wayland, MA muffitt@bandnotes.info

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