"The Canadian Scottish Regiment is Vancouver Island's infantry regiment. It is a unit of the Canadian Armed Forces Reserves, with a history going back to the First World War. The regiment perpetuates one of the most famous battalions of that war, the 16th Battalion (Canadian Scottish) whose proud history is documented in many books." "In the First World War, pipers were used as a psychological weapon to inspire the troops and instill fear in the enemy. They volunteered for the honour of leading the charge from the trenches, and the casualty rate among pipers was truly horrific. Piper James Richardson of the 16th Battalion, won the Victoria Cross for his bravery in playing the bagpipes above the trenches while exposed to intense enemy fire for an estimated 20 minutes... the only Canadian piper to have won this highest of all British (and Canadian) military decorations." Links to other Piping sites: Right near by, in Worcester, the Worcester Kiltie Pipe Band http://www.wkpb.com/ The Rhode Island Highlanders http://www.rihighlanders.org/contact.html Check out The Canadian Scottish Regiment's website for more information. Go to http://worldmilbands.ottawa.com/pipers.html for links to other pipe bands Tricia C sends along this link to the Kincardine Pipe Band which is in a town near her family's summer cottage. |
Photograph used with permission. Text excerpted from the Canadian Scottish Regiment's website, http://www.islandnet.com/~btaylor/band.htm |